
orange leaf rolls Learn more about orange leaf rolls

  • Causes and control methods of tangerine leaf curling with the latest sugar

    Causes and control methods of tangerine leaf curling with the latest sugar

    Sugar orange roll leaf is a common phenomenon in winter and spring, many fruit farmers will encounter this situation, some farmers do not know where to start, miss the best prevention and control period, so caused bad losses. Next, the editor brings you the sugar orange roll Ye Yuan.

    2020-11-10 Latest granulated sugar orange leaf rolls causes and control methods
  • Causes and control methods of tangerine leaf curling with sugar

    Causes and control methods of tangerine leaf curling with sugar

    Causes and control methods of tangerine leaf curling with sugar

  • Field Management of navel Orange Orchard in Spring and Summer

    Field Management of navel Orange Orchard in Spring and Summer

    Gannan is early in spring, warm and rainy. March to June is the spring shoot growth of navel orange, flowering and setting fruit, the first and second physiological phenological periods of fruit drop. It is also more than 10 kinds of diseases and insect pests, such as citrus bud maggots, mites, scale, leaf roll moth, longicorn beetles, anthrax, resin disease, canker and so on.

    2020-11-08 Navel Orange Garden Spring and Summer Field Management Gannan early Spring warm
  • Navel Orange planting Technology: how to manage navel Orange Orchard?

    Navel Orange planting Technology: how to manage navel Orange Orchard?

    How to manage navel orange orchard? Please give a detailed introduction to the management of navel orange orchard, which can be divided into adult orchard and juvenile orchard. Detailed methods can be listed as follows: 1. Fruit protection methods of navel orange: (1) 0.15% Huangjia natural brassin 500 is sprayed on leaves from Xiehua to the second physiological fruit drop period.

  • Management of navel Orange Orchard of navel Orange

    Management of navel Orange Orchard of navel Orange

    1. Adult orchard: 1. Fruit protection: (1) spraying 0.15% Huangjia natural brassin on leaves from Xiehua to the second physiological fruit drop stage and adding 5000 times of new nutrient liquid fertilizer such as sunflower L, P, K extract, chlorophyllin, etc.) 2 to 3 times; (2) remove summer slightly, every 7 to 3 times

    2020-11-08 Species navel orange navel orange orchard management one adult garden fruit protection
  • What kind of medicine is used to roll the leaves of plum trees

    What kind of medicine is used to roll the leaves of plum trees

    The rolled leaves of plum trees can be sprayed with dichlorvos emulsion or dimethoate emulsion, and can also be sprayed with dicofol or nisolan, mijing + aphid lice or cypermethrin and cypermethrin 1000-1500 times. Causes of leaf curling and control methods of plum trees:

    2020-11-09 Plum tree leaf roll with what medicine plum available
  • Technical countermeasures for prevention and control of citrus bacterial wilt in orange area of Xinkou town

    Technical countermeasures for prevention and control of citrus bacterial wilt in orange area of Xinkou town

    Citrus bacterial wilt is more harmful, once the disease occurs, it can make citrus plants die quickly. The following takes the orange area of Xinkou Town as an actual case to talk about the occurrence and prevention and control technology of citrus bacterial wilt. 1 Xinkou Town Orange District Citrus Industry Development.

  • The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of golden orange trees

    The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of golden orange trees

    The first reason-physiological deciduous leaves if there are no mistakes in the process of culturing kumquat trees, then the yellowing of the leaves of kumquat trees is a natural condition for growth. There is no need to worry too much about this situation, and new leaves will grow later. The second reason-improper watering kumquat trees are not resistant to water and moisture

  • What medicine is used to roll the leaves of fruit trees?

    What medicine is used to roll the leaves of fruit trees?

    In the process of planting fruit trees, there is often leaf curling, if long-term leaf curling, may affect the normal growth of fruit trees, thus affecting the quality of fruit, then what medicine is used for leaf curling? In fact, there are many factors affecting the leaf curling of fruit trees, which should be based on

    2020-11-09 Fruit trees curly leaves with what medicine fruit trees in planting
  • Spodoptera litura

    Spodoptera litura

    Spruce yellow roll moth [Archipsoporanus (Linnaeus)], alias pine bud leaf roll moth, pine thick leaf roll moth, belongs to the family Lepidoptera. It is distributed in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Central and South China, and can harm Pinus elliottii, loblolly pine, Masson pine, Korean pine, spruce and juniper. The damage characteristics of larvae eat axillary buds, flower buds and male flowers, eat needles, affecting tree growth and seed yield. The morphological characteristics of the adult are 10-12mm in length and 22-30mm in wingspan. Male moth

  • Treatment of rolling leaves of cherry trees

    Treatment of rolling leaves of cherry trees

    Water shortage: Cherry trees roll their leaves due to hot weather and lack of water, which can be alleviated by watering and proper shading. Aphids: if caused by aphids, imidacloprid and other pesticides need to be sprayed. Lack of nutrition: if potassium is deficient, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed, or

    2020-11-08 Sakura peach tree curly leaf treatment abstract lack of water cherry
  • Symptoms of nutritional imbalance in tomato

    Symptoms of nutritional imbalance in tomato

    Symptoms of nutritional imbalance in tomato

  • Jujube gall midge

    Jujube gall midge

    Distribution and host this insect belongs to the order Pteroptera, Culicidae. Distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan and other jujube producing areas. The hosts are jujube tree and wild jujube tree. The harm and symptoms are that the larvae suck the juice of jujube or sour jujube buds and leaves and stimulate the mesophyll tissue to make the injured leaves roll longitudinally to the leaf surface. The injured site changed from green to purplish red, hard and brittle, soon blackened and withered, and there were often several heads and even larvae in a roll of leaves. Morphological characteristics 1. The adult female is 1.4mm to 2.0mm long; the compound eye is black, reniform; touching.

  • Lily cultivated species

    Lily cultivated species

    1. Curly Dan is also called Tiger skin Lily. Its bulb is nearly oblate, about 3.5 cm high, 4-8 cm in diameter and weighing more than 250 grams. Scales broadly ovate, 2.5-3 cm long and 1.4-2.5 cm wide, white slightly yellowish. There is a lot of starch and a slight bitter taste. Aboveground stem 0.8-1.5 m high, purplish striped, white woolly. Leaves scattered, short round-lanceolate or lanceolate, nearly glabrous on both sides, apex with white hairs, margin with papillary protuberances, 5-7 veins, upper middle axils with beads. The flower is orange-red, blossoms downward, and the perianth rolls outward.

  • What are the planting techniques of sugar orange? The management technology is here all year round!

    What are the planting techniques of sugar orange? The management technology is here all year round!

    Sand sugar orange is a famous variety of citrus, which is very popular because of its high nutritional value and sweet and sour taste. It is also one of the citrus varieties with stable and high yield. it can be planted for 3 years and flourish after 5 years. So, the planting technique of sugar orange

    2020-11-08 Sugar tangerine planting technology what year-round management all
  • What traditional food does the Beginning of Spring eat?

    What traditional food does the Beginning of Spring eat?

    What traditional food does the Beginning of Spring eat?

  • The solution of Cherry Leaf Curl

    The solution of Cherry Leaf Curl

    The main results are as follows: 1. The function of heart-picking is to control the vigorous growth of branches, increase the number of branches and branches, accelerate the expansion of tree crown, promote the transformation of branches to fruit-bearing branches, which is beneficial to early fruiting. Heart-picking time: first, early heart-picking, carried out 10 days after flowering, keeping about 10 cm of young shoots. It is good for control.

  • Where does the orange tree come from? What is the difference between bitter orange and sweet orange? characteristics of navel orange and blood orange

    Where does the orange tree come from? What is the difference between bitter orange and sweet orange? characteristics of navel orange and blood orange

    The orange tree was originally grown in China and was planted in Asia for more than 4000 years. Later, it was introduced to Persia, Egypt, Spain and North Africa by Arabs. In fact, orange was transformed by Arabs from Sanskrit nagarunga narandj. Now the oranges are all

    2019-06-15 Willow orange tree original produced where bitter orange and sweet orange have what
  • Nursing Care of Citrus trees growing Citrus after being Frozen

    Nursing Care of Citrus trees growing Citrus after being Frozen

    After the citrus trees were frozen, the aboveground parts were damaged or withered to varying degrees, while the underground parts were generally slightly damaged. The nursing measures after freezing are mainly to make use of its relatively intact root system to promote its germination of new branches, restore the tree crown as soon as possible, and gradually achieve the goal of normal growth and fruit.

    2020-11-08 Species citrus tangerine orange tree frozen after care orange
  • Why do cherry leaves curl?

    Why do cherry leaves curl?

    How to fertilize cherry trees scientifically? Cherry is the earliest fruit maturing species in deciduous fruit trees, which is a tree or shrub. The height of the tree is (2 ~ 7) m and the crown diameter is (3 ~ 6) m. (3-6) years began to bear fruit, (7-10) years entered the full fruit period, sustainable (15-20) years, life span of several decades. Key points of fertilization technology:.
